Ninja Warrior is not only a growing sport in itself, it is also an amazing cross-training sport for athletes of other sports! Here’s 7 reasons why your child should be doing Ninja Warrior!

  1. Coordination
    Ninja obstacles involve upper and lower body movements in all directions and require quick reaction time which can translate to any sport.

  2. Strength
    Obstacles require different strengths including upper-body, lower-body, and core strength, creating a well-balanced athlete.

  3. Balance
    Some obstacles involve standing, walking, running, or landing on narrow or unstable surfaces, developing an athlete’s overall balance.

  4. Mental Toughness
    Ninja Warrior requires focus and attention to detail. It teaches the importance of never giving up and overcoming obstacles, of all kinds, through goal setting and learning through trial and error.

  5. Endurance
    A Ninja Warrior course requires and develops cardiovascular strength in order to complete obstacles one after another, including running, jumping, climbing, swinging, hanging, and more.

  6. Spatial Awareness & Safety
    Ninjas learn to understand where their body is in relation to the obstacle, and in the air. Ninjas are also taught the proper ways to safely fall in different directions to reduce injury risk.

  7. Community
    The Ninja Warrior community is supportive and encouraging, and welcomes ninjas of all abilities. Ninjas work together with the goal in mind of overcoming obstacles.
